Tag: <span>west yorkshire hypnotherapist</span>

stop smoking hypnosis

Stopping Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Stopping Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Do you want to stop smoking and to be a non-smoker? With hypnotherapy you can break free of your smoking habit to be the non-smoker you want to be. There is no dispute that nicotine is addictive but as a smoker, you probably have a smoking routine; certain things you do that always require a cigarette. For some people a cigarette means some down time, a break; others it can be chatting on the phone. Whatever your smoking habit, stopping smoking with hypnotherapy can help you to break with your habit and become a non-smoker.

There are different options available to help you stop smoking. Not everyone can tolerate Champix, patches can be expensive and there are new articles highlighting the health issues associated with using e-cigarettes.

Break free of your smoking habit, make a new healthier choice with hypnotherapy for stopping smoking. For judgement free help to stop smoking with hypnotherapy, contact Jill to make appointment on 07866 089909.


Hypnotherapy for Menopause?

Hypnotherapy for Menopause?

Interesting article in The Telegraph about the benefits of hypnosis for reducing and coping with the menopause and it’s symptoms. A welcome relief to the many women struggling with hot flushes.


Contact Jill

Looking for change, try something different!

Ever had that feeling of being stuck, unable to move forward,do you want to be or feel differently? Are you in need of change?

There’s an old saying that if you keep on doing want you have always done, you will get the same results that you have always got.

Today I am challenging myself to be more active on my blog and embrace technology!

The familiar is comfortable and can make us feel safe, but this can be illusionary; our world is in fact constantly changing and evolving but we don’t always notice it. We can become locked into a pattern of behaviour that is no longer helpful to our well being. When we move outside of our comfort zone, this can be unsettling but if we want our lives to change, we must also make changes in our life.

Are you looking to break a habit like stopping smoking,wanting to make a change? Hypnosis can help to break an unwanted habit.

If you’re stuck in a pattern of behaviour or emotional response, try something different; what’s stopping you from moving on? Contact me to start your positive action with hypnosis.


Fertility Hypnotherapy

Fertility Hypnotherapy

The NHS state that one in seven couples trying to conceive may experience difficulties, fertility hypnotherapy can help couples …

fear of flying hypnosis West Yorkshire

Fear of Flying Hypnosis

Fear of flying hypnosis can help you to overcome your fear of flying. Aerophobia is the fear of flying and sufferers may …

Fertility Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis for Fertility – Reduce your Anxiety Levels

Hypnosis for Fertility – are you anxious about the time it is taking to get pregnant? As a woman who struggled with …