Category: <span>Hypnotherapist West Yorkshire</span>

good mental health hypnosis

Reduce Stress and Anxiety with Hypnosis

Does it feel that stress is just part of modern living, constant pressure and deadlines? You can reduce stress and anxiety with hypnosis.

Excessive or debilitating stress can cause physical symptoms, emotional and behavioral responses.

You may experience:

  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Low self-esteem
  • Problems with concentration
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Feeling on edge
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Aches and pains
  • Upset stomach
  • Loss of energy
  • Palpitations

Stress can lead to serious medical conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We all respond to stress differently, some people thrive upon stress situations whilst others struggle to cope with the pressure that living with stress brings.


Hypnotherapy is a powerful and natural way to reduce stress. With stress busting hypnosis, you get to the root of what’s causing your stress and how you respond to it. With stress reducing hypnotherapy, you change the way you respond to stress and you’re helped with techniques that help you to deal with the physical and emotional stressors in your life.

You may not be able to remove stress from your life, but you can change how you respond to stress. With stress busting hypnosis, you’re back in control.

Contact West Yorkshire based clinical hypnotherapist, Jill Wilson to book your appointment for stress busting hypnosis. Weekend and evening appointments are available for stress management hypnosis.


weight loss hypnosis

Weight Loss Hypnosis

If you overindulged eating cake and fresh cream scones last week during afternoon tea week, you could try weight loss hypnosis.

We can all overindulge on occasions but if you’re feeling the overindulgence is becoming a habit and can’t say no to the sweet stuff or the savoury, weight loss hypnosis can help you address how and what you eat. For many people, food can be a source of comfort but these feel good feelings are short lived, often followed by feelings of sadness, guilt and shame.

It is not too late to change old habits and patterns of eating and break the overeating habit with hypnosis.

We have a limited number of appointments available next week, contact Jill to book your appointment to regain control over your eating and break free of destructive habits in a non-judging environment.

Reducing stress

Reducing Stress with Hypnosis

Today is “Bring your dog to work day” and there have been many studies that show how interacting with an animal is effective in reducing stress and anxiety.

Playing with an animal or petting an animal can decrease the levels of the stress hormone cortisol whilst increasing the levels of the ‘feel good’ hormone, oxytocin. Reducing stress levels stress can also have a beneficial effect on physical health. A 2001 study found pet-owning patients with high blood pressure were able to keep their blood pressure lower during periods of mental stress than those patients without pets.

If pet ownership is not possible, an alternative way of reducing stress is using with hypnotherapy. With hypnotherapy, you can learn to cope with stress in a different way through relaxation.

For stress busting relaxation session with an experienced West Yorkshire hypnotherapist, contact Jill and book your appointment.

good mental health hypnosis

Help Reduce Stress

Identifying the cause of your stress is the first step to managing your stress levels to help reduce stress whether it’s caused by work pressure or other issues.

When you’re feeling the pressure and feeling stressed out, it can be tempting to turn to something unhealthy to help you cope to help reduce stress, such as smoking or drinking alcohol.

What you can do to help reduce stress:

Being active

Introducing exercise into your routine is a good way clear your thoughts, allowing you to process your thoughts more calmly.

Take control

Being passive will not help reduce stress, taking control is empowering and enables you to find a solution that meets your needs.

Connect with people

Spending time with friends, relaxing and laughing is an enjoyable way to relieve stress. Reconnect with your friend ‘support’ network.

Have some ‘me time’

Working long hours can mean that we don’t spend our time doing the the things we really enjoy, make time for yourself to enjoy quality ‘me time’.

Avoid unhealthy habits

Avoid relying upon on alcohol, smoking and caffeine as coping strategies. In the short term, these are temporary ‘crutches’ which will not resolve your issues and may create new ones.

Work smarter, not harder

Prioritising your work, concentrating on the tasks that will make a real impact is one way of working smarter.

Accept the things you can’t change

Sometimes we can’t change a difficult situation that we may be in, instead try to focus and concentrate on the things that you do have control over.

Take time to relax

When we’re feeling the pressure, it can be difficult to switch off and to relax. With hypnosis, you can relax and let go. If you feeling the pressure of stress and need help to relax, contact Jill to make an appointment to help reduce stress with hypnotherapy.



dental phobia help west yorkshire

Dental Phobia Help

Today is the last day of National Smile Month, the UK’s largest and longest-running oral health campaign but is a dental phobia stopping you from smiling?

National Smile Month promoted three key messages, helping to promote routines that develop and maintain a healthy mouth. Three things you can do to keep your mouth and smile healthy are:

  • Brush your teeth in the morning and last thing at night with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Reduce your consumption of sugary foods and drinks.
  • Regular dental check ups with your dentist.

National Smile Month’s aim is to improve the oral health of the UK.

If you’re one of the many people with a dental phobia, attending the dentist regularly may be something that you avoid, even when you need treatment from your dentist. A fear of the dentist or fear of dental treatment could be preventing you from having your regular dental checks which could result in dental problems being untreated and over time worsening.

There is help available to help you overcome your dental phobia, hypnotherapy can help you to overcome your fear of the dentist and enable you to attend your dental check ups and cope with dental treatment.

Overcome your fear of the dentist with hypnosis and start smiling, contact West Yorkshire hypnotherapist, Jill Wilson to make an appointment to reclaim your smile.

Fertility Hypnotherapy

Fertility Hypnotherapy

The NHS state that one in seven couples trying to conceive may experience difficulties, fertility hypnotherapy can help couples …

fear of flying hypnosis West Yorkshire

Fear of Flying Hypnosis

Fear of flying hypnosis can help you to overcome your fear of flying. Aerophobia is the fear of flying and sufferers may …

Fertility Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis for Fertility – Reduce your Anxiety Levels

Hypnosis for Fertility – are you anxious about the time it is taking to get pregnant? As a woman who struggled with …